existing imagery

if you want your tattoo to be a duplication of an existing image,

i may or may not be the person for the job.


i will not duplicate an existing contemporary tattoo - e.g. someone's sleeve from pinterest, work posted by another artist on social media. but i am stoked to tattoo traditional designs/ classic flash!


if you want to reproduce a piece of art that is public domain or pop culture, probably fine. memes, video game stuff, classical artwork, album covers etc. are usually fair game. these are also great reference material.

if you want to replicate the work of a living artist

you should pay them and ask their permission.

there are exceptions to this, like cartoon characters, web comics, memes, etc. - i am mostly referring to independent designers & illustrators. 

here's some pop culture stuff that i like:

katamari, final fantasy, sonic, classic nintendo, miyazaki/ghibli films, steven universe, indy video games, tons of comics, bioshock.. will update..

click here to apply to get tattooed!

© liz greene 2009-2012
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